mardi 9 juin 2009

From the heart

Know yourself and how your body functions Don t wait for their sciences to tell you how it works in their mind.

THis science is of no use, it' s not even accurate.

It s not needed for healing, it' s not needed for living, it s not needed for breathing, it s not needed for being in good health, it' s not needed for love, it s not needed for thinking, it s not needed for medidating, it' s not needed for procreating, it' s not needed for a plant to grow or the sun to shine...

It s just a waste of time, invented to make people lose their freedom by the way.

As everyone can check, this purpose has been working well.

Ou est le coeur ? ce coeur, ce coeur?  le coeur des choses, le coeur de l' etre? l' organe, l' ensemble de muscles thoraciques ? Le symbolique, le physique ?

.. le dedans, le dehors..

Everthing one needs to know is found trough self reliance, and the rest is also taugh by nature.

LA nature adapte son enseignement aux yeux de celui qui cherche et trouvera.

Ainsi l' artiste accomplie exprime la vie.

Chaque individu est de nature un atiste épanoui ou en devenir

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