mardi 25 août 2009

Working with reality

Do you want to take any idea somewhere ?
Following the idea comes action, wich results in creation, may it be event or structure.

...diploma, job, work, ''social statut ''. One can be used to make something, with little to no personal thinking about what this activity will create.
Want to be a translator, what' s the point to go get the diploma to be put at translating any kind of stuff for the mind or propaganda.
This way one functions as a machine, acting out of his own will, spirit. Thus one is selling his building power for the satisfaction of anoher entity' s pojects.

In exchange for that labour, a subsistance salary is given to the worker.
Reality making in exchange of money, little money as we can can see in most cases.
This means if some people got lot of money, with such a mechanism, they can have their views of what reality should be, getting realised by those workers.

Man is sometimes turned by systems like school, into machines that will work without thinking, just as a motor will take you from one point to another, with no thinking if it should take you there.
Fulfilement of phisiological needs is used as we can observe sometimes, as a bundary.
Filling the pot with gasoline, will make the car able of working.

 Machine as no moral values, an it seems no way to evaluate the driver' s actions.

Do you want to have any idea go reach new shores, morever trough you ?

There are some ideas i want to take everywhere. Not all, for sure !

Who wants to sell his abilty of defining the quality of the world.
I certainly want to keep this abilty to have the world corresponding of Highest values of peace harmony, love and respect and others related...

Every act is like a new stone added to the construction of our lives.
Keep you soul for yourself.
Don' t buy an unatteinable licencious artificial cheap promise.

Things of true value are free. Nature grows the food, environnement gives the shelter, Human cares and love.
It' s just a matter of getting aware that you always can connect to what is most essential in life.
Health is mine, love is mine, bounty it is in nature and it' s offered to me....
And the beauty of it, is that what is essential in life is unlimited and free.

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