mardi 13 octobre 2009

well, this is it. Review on the Essen gospel of peace

  Vraiment quand même il y a des américains intelligents. C' est à dire capable de s' interroger et de comprendre. Ca fait toujours plaisir à voir, c' en est presque étonnant parfois, quand on sait toutes les distractions, et les types d' éducations auxquelles ce peuple est exposé.

Prendre conscience, en voilà un bel exemple, le document est évidement d' une qualtié extraodinaire, toutefois le découvrir et l' apprécier induit toute une démarche et une sensibilté particulière.

Ca redonnerait confiance !
Chaque individu libre devrait être capable de faire une lecture de cette qualité, qui demande sens critique, discernement, donc culture génèrale, curiosité, courage pour oser s' intéresser et promouvoir quelquechose qui prend sa distance avec la ''norme sociale''.
La patience est aussi requise pour tolérer la très forte déviance des comportements sociaux répandus majoritairement, vis à vis des ces principes vitaux, ici attribués aux Esséniens, puisqu' ils les mettaient en pratique, cependant universels, qui sont amusants, source de bien être, mais surtout essentiels, donc pour établir des sociétés évoluant durablement et naturellement dans la paix et l' harmonie.
A l' origine le concept est on ne peut plus simple. Rescpecter la vie, la vie de l' autre, toujours, et la vie dans la nourriture, qui nous maintient vivant.

Avis posté sur la fiche du livre, "The Essene Gospel of Peace, Book 1" sur amazon

"In the actual translated gospel from it make reference to several things one should follow to ensure that one has long prosperous life disease free, making references that anything outside of this lifestyle was the ways of Satan, disease or bad. Although it was not written till 300 years after Christ, one could debate how close it was to the actual words or could possible reflect their believes and philosophies. But why it has never been available to the public for individual interpretation is really unknown. But is probably related to why much of the Dead Sea Scrolls still remain locked away from our eyes by religious authorities. Both contemporary Christian and Jewish scholars, in conjunction with modern religious authorities, feel that the general population "is not competent enough to interpret" what is in the scrolls. I wonder if these contemporary writings are too challenging to the modern religious dogma, with which most people are familiar? What may be in them is a way of life that these religious authorities aren't willing to change. 

There are many that try to discredit Edmond Szekely, but anytime something challenges are way of think religiously or scientifically, people always do! If you read all 4 books you will be amazed at some of the profound information that was written. If only most of this is the truth, it is truly amazing that this could have been written 1700 years ago and even if this Edmond Bordeaux Szekely, Ph.D. added some twist of his for some reason upon interpretation, it still is pretty profound in the 1930's. It has only been in the last 70 years that science has been coming to the same conclusions about raw foods, enzymes, nutrition and foods being heated above 118 F. Once you try raw foodism for a year you'll see why this book in particular is so important. 

Another profound things the Dead Sea Scrolls teach is order the law. First law is raw food, once that law is broken, you have the 10 commandments, once these laws have been broken you have the law of 5000. Then you have the mess we have today. Believe it or not, the food you eat effects you more than any other outside influence and if you want proof of it start looking at nature and see how the foods of wild animals influences them. Grass grassing animals always have a calm about them, flesh eating animals are aggressive and sugar loving animals like apes are neurotic. Are you or your friend so different? Our domestic pets and we are the only species that do not eat raw food. Why do our domestic pets have the same physical aliments we do, but these problems really do not occur in true wild nature? Simple, when you get away from man made toxins and eat true organic wild raw foods & drink fresh water, disease does not exist. 

Last it gives us a clue about what foods are most important to us and it states that God sleeps in stone, breathes in plants, dreams in animals, and awakens in man. "

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