vendredi 3 juillet 2009

Come on

I appreciate your answer

Tough i think those concept dont fit with real human needs,

It came out of feodal systems where people were forced into some "traditions and habits"

I heard about people having diffculties digesting Raw plant food, sad!
the thing is that maybe after decades of processed and unhealthy foods eating, people might have lowered their body abilities.

Once a lady told me her doctor adviced her not to eat raw plant foods, for digestion concerns.
i replied simply that you should second though on what' s said by someone that let you eat cooked industrial ham, or drink soda...

then she told me the guy actually said sodawas 'okay'.

What a joke, isn it ?

Follow common sense, question habits

In order to understand what it looks like to eat Raw living food, i invite to get some information.

I assure you it can be a real gastronomy, with real, healthy stuff inside of it.

Best regards

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