samedi 4 juillet 2009

Getting serious

I can only respect personnal experience as yours.

Love is the ultimate factor and all the while the common denominator to everything.

Love as energy, matter, love as a feeling, or Love as something we think about.

Quantum physic explains that everything is made of tiny vibrations that you can call aslo energy, some call it love.
In that sense god would be energy, it would be existence itself, (I am also quoting Osho there)
It would be this object, say a flower, it would be me also, it would be what i am made of...

I respect and i actually i like very much indian 'religious' culture, i think what you describe is an artistic representation that is made for helping people to focus on acting with devotion and love, aimed to krishna in this case, but directed to life anyway.

"Acting in the state of love made easier for the mind"

About raw food,

I get hungry thinking i could be eating many pieces of fruit for breakfast, along with some fresh almond milk, and raw cookies or, Hum, flax seeds crackers !!
Ahh what a treat !

What is more, i consider also the point that, from a scientific point of view, there is molecular transformation of food during cooking, (with as you know alteration of vitamines and enzymes...) 
Cooking the food make it more of a challenge for the body to build really healthy cells out of it. 
The phenomena of cooking is comparable to some Alchemy.

and personnaly I do prefer to turn lead into gold.
As if to say, turning unawareness into consciousness.

I thank you for arguing that interestingly on the subject of fooding.

Best regards

Florian Ananda Hernandez

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