mardi 22 septembre 2009

Mind and body medecine "Energy Healing Over a Distance"

Un article clair et intéressant:

"In this article I provide a simple method you can use to heal people, places or events that are far away from you. If you are concerned about a family member in another part of India or another country, or worried about people or events in a distant land, this method will let you heal them. 

The method I teach here can be understood from the standpoint of religion or science. It is a long-distance life force control technique ( pranayama) that is in common use among advanced disciples of all faiths – Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Muslim, Christian, and Taoist – who understand that the universe is a manifestation of prana (force or energy derived from the Infinite Spirit of God). As God “thinks” His Divine intelligence acts on the universal pranic field to create all matter and life as we know it. Since human beings are made in the image of God, we have the ability to use focused, concentrated thought to affect the pranic field and direct its force to achieve any noble goal. 

To understand pranayama from the scientific perspective we turn to modern physics, which long ago proved that everything in the universe is made of waves of quantum (subatomic) energy operating within a single vast universal quantum field. Nobel laureates Neils Bohr and Albert Einstein pioneered the study of what is now known in physics as “The Unified Field” – a single, intelligent quantum force that governs the form and function of everything in existence. Within the field, quantum energy travels through any obstacle, does not lose power over distance traveled, and moves at super-luminal speed (instantaneously from point A to point B with no time lost at all). More recent scientific studies have proven that quantum force can be moved instantly over great distances using focused, concentrated thought. 

The method I teach here uses focused thought in a meditative state to move prana (quantum energy) over great distances. You do not have to be religious to use it - anyone who practices it will get results. Before you begin, decide what you want to focus on. Your target could be a person, a group (a family, an industry, a government), or a circumstance (poverty, the economy, and so on). The prana you send using this method is an intelligent force of God’s own will (and yours) which will act to bring about the restoration and wellbeing of your target."

La suite de l' article complet ici: mind and body medecine, indiatimes

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